And afcourse again a new edition of Glow dubstep. With a 3 by 1 metre banner design of mine on the dj-booth! Gotta be proud of yourself sometimes haha. Anyway, i enjoyed this weekend. Too bad it was over so quickly. And i didn't even see everyone inside cause the party was sold out. So ticket is important, that's for sure. But i made the banner so hihi ..
So this is the final design after alot of sketching. This was originally a try-out but it looked cool so why not use it! I used a buddies picture to make this awesome face and some random slobber on the logo.
respect man.
ReplyDeleteBanner past perfect in onze huisstijl, creatief, vernieuwend en opvallend.
gewoon dope.
n. afterglow
Dont forget the other one ! Just as dope :D , keep up the good work silvaan ! peace Ivo
ReplyDeleteThanks thanks, u guys made it possible ..
ReplyDeleteBen er zeker blij mee en ik drop die andere erbij !!